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What simple information could save your life one day?

 What simple information could save your life one day?

What simple information could save your life one day?


A person can fall into an unenviable situation, so here are 13 pieces of information that may benefit you or benefit you one day.

 1. passerby effect.

If you are not aware of this finding, learning about it can save your life. The Bystander effect refers to the dispersal of blame among onlookers. When someone stands on the sidelines of a robbery or fight, they will not intervene because they expect others to help.

When you're in a fight, robbed, or worse, don't expect others to help you. They will want to avoid it.

Instead, look them in the eye, ask for their help, and point it specifically at them.

This removes the feeling that anyone else is able to help whenever you specifically ask them.

 2. Removing objects from stab wounds leads to more blood loss which increases the possibility of death of the victim. This object must be left alone. Don't try to get rid of it.

 3. Let someone know where you are when you live alone or even when you go out at night, tell a friend where you are.

This won't require any effort on your part, so if something goes wrong or you don't come back in the morning, someone will know where to start if they have to look for you.

 4. If you're about to be raped, hit his balls as hard as you can and notice how he'll fall. If they're a bunch, don't do this brave trick, instead, tell them you're HIV positive.

 5. Before getting off the plane, do not inflate the life jacket. In the event of an emergency water drop, it is not a good idea to be ready with an inflated life jacket. According to many aviation safety experts, doing so will only make things worse for you.

This is due to the fact that when the plane begins to sink, the water inside the cabin will push you to the ceiling. You won't be able to move without help from there. So put on a life jacket and inflate it as soon as you get off the plane.

 6. Bears, if it is black, resist. If it is brown, lie down. If it's white, goodnight!

 7. Don't go down the stairs with your hands in your pockets. You need your hands to protect your head or stop your fall.

Most mistakes happen because we want to be fast. We want to go elsewhere in a hurry and run away. This is how a lot of accidents happen; someone is in a hurry and doesn't pay enough attention.

 8. If you get lost in the desert, or in any deserted area, the important thing that you can carry to increase your chances of finding it is a small reflective mirror.

Anytime an aircraft is flying overhead, you can reflect the light towards it and greatly increase your chances of being found. This is more important than carrying more water with you.

 9. Get out of that sunken car. It is essential that you open the door as quickly as possible before the water pressure makes it impossible.

If you can't do that, break the window. If either fails, stay calm and wait for the water to flow into the car. Once enough pressure is reached it will equalize and open the door.

 10. Learn how to change your tire and make sure you are equipped with full-size replacement parts and all the tools you need.

11. When you realize you're in a hurry, remember this: The five minutes you're late could save your life. Is it really worth saving those five minutes? Sometimes it may be, but if not, take a deep breath and slow down.

 12. If you fall into the water, do not panic. You don't have to be able to swim; You just have to float. Hold your breath and let yourself rise to the surface.

 13. Always. I mean always, listen to your instincts. It's your first distress call. They never let me down, I mean, they never let me down.
