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Is watching sex movies without masturbating harmful?

 Is watching sex movies without masturbating harmful?

The issue is not whether you practice or not masturbate! The issue is bigger than that, what happens to your brain when you watch porn and get addicted to it?

The problem is that your mind has become neural pathways and vectors that only rest with addiction and the continuation of pornographic scenes!

Dr. says. Jeffrey Schwartz, eminent neuroscientist:

Knowledge precedes comprehension, and understanding leads to change, so you should know that the period of porn addiction enabled the mind to build pathways

Specific neurological pathways, these pathways have been associated with extreme behavior (masturbation), which is followed by a false sense of happiness and comfort.

The dismantling of these paths will require time and more vigilance and attention to the tricks of the mind that strives to restore you to those old paths.

It will also need you to work on building neural pathways

New positive behaviors.

Realizing these outlines means that you have passed the most important and difficult stage of entering the journey of recovery, the stage of building awareness and knowledge.

So watching porn floods the brain with a torrent of neurotransmitters that make people feel satisfied and temporary relaxation.

of these vectors

  • Dopamine (the neurotransmitter that stimulates us to do activities that the brain is used to)

  • Oxytocin (the neurotransmitter involved in the emotional connection between a person and activity)

  •  Prolactin (and one of its functions is to enhance orgasm during a marital relationship)

And the disastrous result of porn addiction is before us in the personality of the famous singer

"Billie Eilish" and porn movies

"Billy Alish"

"As a woman, I think porn is a disgrace. I started watching porn when I was 11. It really destroyed my brain. I'm so angry that porn is so loved.

Women are like, 'I have to like being hurt to be thought of as good in bed.'"

— @billieeilish


To find solutions to this problem, it must be recognized that porn is harmful, as we have previously shown and with the testimony of its addicts.

Because it leads us to hide, lie, isolate, and neglect ourselves and those we love.

Our weakness troubles us by falling over and over again.

We may begin to feel that we are living in a lost life with a scattered soul that has lost its compass from broad values ​​to narrow sexual experience.

And it makes us less satisfied with ourselves and more painful for this secret practice surrounded by shame and incompatible with what we want for our present and future.

In the end, I hope that you stay away from this habit, as it destroys the cell and drains your body's energy for nothing
