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What are the best natural ways to have a male baby? Who determines the gender of the fetus, male or female? The man or the female?

 What are the best natural ways to have a male baby? Who determines the gender of the fetus, male or female? The man or the female?

What are the best natural ways to have a male baby Who determines the gender of the fetus, male or female?
male baby

Scientifically speaking, the chance of conceiving a male is 50% and the chance of conceiving a female is 50%.

 There is a method that increases the chance by 25% for either sex, according to choice

It is worth mentioning that male cells contain (XY) chromosomes, while female cells contain (XX) chromosomes, and sperm if they divide reductively, they contain male sperms referred to as (Y) and female sperms referred to as (X).

And both of them differ in their composition from the other, as the male sperm has a shimmer and shine in its head, while the female sperm loses that luster and light.

Therefore, I will mention some ways to increase the chance of having children of either sex.

  • What determines the sex of the newborn is certainly the father, not the mother. The sperm, including the male and female, and the one who fertilizes the egg determines the sex of the fetus.

  • The male sperm is distinguished from the female in that it is smaller in size, fast-moving, shorter-lived, and more active in an alkaline medium.

  • To obtain a male fetus, we provide the best conditions for the male sperm to carry out fertilization

  • The wife does not eat acidic foods such as apples and oranges, to provide an alkaline environment in the womb

  •  The spouses abstain from intercourse before ovulation for a period that ensures that the uterus is free of sperm

As soon as she ovulates - and the wife knows that from the low temperature of her two conditions at ovulation - the couple has intercourse, and since the male sperm is faster, it precedes the fertilization of the egg in the fallopian tube, and the fetus is male

Work, contrary to all of the above, brings a female fetus

It is noted that the husband’s sperm must be very normal

In the end, you should know that there are many ways, including the diet, the Shettles method, washing the vagina, etc. Always success from God.
