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Is catnip damaging to cats? The answer is in this article.

Is catnip damaging to cats? The answer is in this article.

People often ask, is catnip good for cats, or terrible for cats, it is estimated that about 50 percent of cats have a genetic allergy to catnip that leads to their varied responses, when cats consume the herb, it has a lot of opposite effects. .

First, what is catnip?

Catnip is an herb belonging to the mint family, and it grows in North America as well as in Europe, and many other countries.

Now what does catnip do to cats?

It is genetics that leads to a cat being affected through a piece of catnip, about one in two cats will go crazy when inhaling the mint herb, and it is between the ages of cats between 3 and 6 months of age that cat proprietors are likely to notice these changes that Speak, and it takes one or two catnip sniffs to word a reaction.

But when cats eat catnip, a period of time that lasts up to about ten minutes is affected, and may encompass some movements and behaviors such as, rolling, jumping, head rubbing, and head shaking, and some cats may display these behaviors, however these behaviors do not last long and commonly end in within minutes.

Benefits of catnip for cats as well as humans

1  _ Relieves stress for cats and human beings as well:

You can relieve stress in cats and also in humans through the herb, and it is viewed one of the anti-stress remedies. You can make the cat play with some toys loaded with the smell of grass, or make them smell some fresh herbs.

2  _  Cough in humans:

The catnip is one of the makes use of of traditional medicine, which was usually used to deal with cough, and that was combined with some other herbs such as licorice, ivy leaf, and catnip has been used for a lengthy time to relieve coughing, and it It has the ability to address any spasms and relieve muscle pain, as it is considered a bronchodilator.

3 _ Sleep for cats and humans :

Although catnip ought to not be used daily, sometimes it can be a useful device that encourages relaxation and sleep for your cat, after the cat has been active for 10 minutes or more of catnip-induced bodily activity He will likely be calm and relaxed later on, so the herb will at the start stimulate your cat after he smells it, but will make him more calm and relaxed for the subsequent several hours.

4 _ Training Tool:

Many cat owner experts advocate using catnip as a cat training tool due to the fact many cats have the same strong reaction to grass, if your cat is no longer acclimating to its new bedding, simply put a small piece of catnip on the bed, and if The cat puts its claws on your furniture, so you should put a piece of catnip on some thing other than the furniture so that the cats can go with its claws. 
